Mom eventually pulled off. She got onto her back. I slid in between her thighs. I guided my cock into place and entered her again. Mom strapped her legs around my waist. I placed my arms onto either side of her body. I ended up pounding her pussy as hard and deep as I could. I wish I could tell you how long we ended up fucking. Maybe it was a half an hour. I came to the point where I couldn't hold on any longer. I flooded my Mom with my hot seed.Mom's eyes got wide. I felt her muscles tighten around me. That made me cum even harder. I just kept filling my Mom's tummy with my white cum. A few minutes passed and I felt empty. I slowly pulled out and looked down. My white juice came spilling out. Mom's body was shaking. She just rested there for some time. I lowered my face to hers and we kissed.Mom got up and went to the bathroom. When she came back we talked. My Mom and Dad didn't have sex much these days, she told me. Something snapped when she saw my hard cock. She said we had to. ”Mary took them from him and looked at the written titles, she handed him a film, ”put this one in and come an sit by me.” Andrew did as he was told and sat down staring at the screen. The first picture showed a much younger Mary sitting in a chair in a very short skirt with fishnet stockings and a low cut blouse. ”Thats me taken by my hubby back in nineteen eighty two; as they watched Mary removed her blouse and her ample breasts bounced in her skimpy bra, she then stood up and took off her skirt wriggling her buttocks as she lowered it and stepped out in her underware.”Didn’t I tell you I was hot stuff you just watch there’s more yet and don’t tell mum,” the old lady gave a wicked laugh and Andrews eyes were glued to the screen. They watched together as the young Mary strutted around then a man came into the picture and he put his hands under her arms and cupped her breasts. Mary laughed at the memory, ”that’s Doug one of my late hubbies friends he adored me in every way you watch.”.
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